[ArborMesh] Mesh Networking Meeting RESULTS

Ryan Hughes ryan at iheartryan.com
Tue Apr 12 16:40:28 CDT 2011

Hi.  So, on Sunday, we had a meeting of folks interested in getting mesh 
networking to happen in Ann Arbor.

I created a mailing list
 	arbormesh at iheartryan.com
(later, I can change the domain name to something a little less me-centric).

To subscribe, send email to
 	arbormesh-subscribe at iheartryan.com
with the subject line of "subscribe".

I conscripted my poor non-technical friend River to take notes at the 
meeting.  The result is attached.  Here's the highlights:

Find a router that supports OpenWRT.
Here is a list of routers known to support OpenWRT.

Play with OpenWRT.

We will have two HACKATHONS.
 	Friday, May 6th
 	Friday, June 3rd

We will have a public demo at the Mini Maker Faire June 4th.

These hackathons will take place at the "All Hands Active" hackerspace,
 	525 E Liberty - Digital Ops
 	(right by the Michigan Theater)

starting at, shall we say, 6pm?  We'll set a goal and we'll order in some 
pizza and we will work until our goal is met.

What shall our goals be for the first hackathon?  That discussion can take 
place here on the arbormesh list!

I also intend to be talking meshiness in the All Hands Active IRC channel, 
#allhandsactive in Freenode.

Let's do this!

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