Thanks (but it doesn't quite work so easily any more)

Thanks for this. The inability to build TextSecure has been somewhat frustrating (how are you meant to check it if you can't build it, right?). However, this process doesn't actually work any more.

With the command:
android update project --path TextSecure --target android-15 --library ActionBarSherlock/library/ --subprojects
I needed to change it to:

android update project --path TextSecure --target android-15 --library ../ActionBarSherlock/library/ --subprojects
Otherwise it didn't find the library. 

Also, the 'libs' folder of TextSecure is no longer present - you have to copy the support library from the SDK itself (or from ActionBarSherlock)
Missing are:
libphonenumber (I am using libphonenumber-5.8.jar)

There were other errors while building, too.
I eventually got it to work by checking out ActionBarSherlock and TextSecure (as you did), finding and downloading the libraries I listed and putting them in the 'libs' folder of the TextSecure folder.
I then entered the ActionBarSherlock/library folder and did an 'ant debug' to build the library.
In Eclipse, I then added that library, the android v4 support library, thoughtcrimegson-2.1.jar, libphonenumber as external libraries. I also created the 'google-play-services_lib' project in Eclipse to allow access to play services, and made that a referenced project. Finally, I added the Google Cloud Messaging library (/extras/google/gcm/gcm.jar inside the Android SDK).
I then increases the 'minimum SDK version' to 17 in Eclipse, because otherwise I couldn't find genuine errors.
In 'res/values/themes.xml' inside the TextSecure folder, I removed two lines near the end that were causing errors:
<item name="android:listPreferredItemPaddingStart">16dip</item>

<item name="android:listPreferredItemPaddingEnd">16dip</item>


Finally, I did a ‘clean’ for the project in Eclipse, and then went to the TextSecure folder and ran ‘ant debug’. And it built.


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