mt-daapd should understand rhythmbox database

mt-daapd, also known as "Firefly Media Server" is super-excellent. It's a daemon that lets me share my music over the itunes sharing protocol. Having it as a daemon is a good move, I think, because it can be serving regardless of whether I happen to be running rhythmbox at that time.

Also, it lets me have a machine that lets me serve my music and does little else. There's no reason to marry the serving of music with a GUI.

Anyway, I have one request: Let mt-daapd understand the Rhythmbox database. That way, it can serve my ratings and playlists. Those things are important to me. I can look at the ratings and go "Oh, THAT song is the good one on this album."

It already reads the itunes database xml export. The rhythmbox database is an xml file too! So it should be pretty easy to fit a parser for that into there. That's the whole point of xml.

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