
Drupal Autosave Module Without TinyMCE


The latest release of the Drupal Autosave module (version 5.x-3.2) was made with the explicit intention of making it work without the presence of the TinyMCE wysywig editor.

Sadly, this did not work out for me. Fortunately, the fix was quick and easy. I've posted it here, and also on their bugtracker. This diff applies against 5.x-3.2.

VotingAPI Bug Hunt Postmortem

Updated: Sun, Jul 27, 2008 - 6:49pm

I just struggled with a ...bug?? that drove me a little crazy.  My site was chugging along just fine and then I would save a node, or a configuration or something, and suddenly all my views that used votingapi would blow up.

I kept looking for things that caused it -- was it the module I just enabled?  Was it this?  That?

I found out the problem, and it was subtle.

Fivestar Positioning Bugfix

Updated: Wed, Jul 30, 2008 - 7:17pm

In setting up this site, I accidentally forgot to allow anonymous users to vote on my posts. Sorry about that. It's fixed.
But I did uncover a bug in the "Fivestar" module that I was using for voting.
Even though I told it to put the voting widget above the text of the node, it ended up putting it below for anonymous users. I fixed the bug. You can read all about it on my bug post, or download the patch from me.
The patch applies against fivestar 5.x-1.12.

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